Design Frameworks

May 06, 2017

Fuck Bootstrap.

It’s the lazy creator’s guide to mediocrity.

I can’t think of why creators - especially with creations that involve user interfaces - would have an unhealthy reliance on frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation.

Oh wait. I think I know it: it’s because they are easy to use and just get started.

But you know what? One Bootstrap, and a hundred thousand lookalike websites/apps.

Material CSS? Same shit, different day.

Think about this. Frameworks, especially the design ones, are all about copy-pasta code that results in existing design interfaces. Tabs, links, buttons, forms. Stuff that’s there already.

What happens when you build things with stuff that exists already? You get boring interfaces.

If you don’t hit limitations right left and center when you use frameworks to build things, you’re most likely doing something that’s un-innovative, especially when it concerns the framework’s area of expertise. With Bootstrap, it’s UI. And UI is super-important to be left to frameworks.

Frameworks are tools. The world’s greatest tool is still a tool. It’s a means to create something bigger, better and beautiful than what the tool represents. You don’t shove a tool up the product and show it off. That’s not how tools work. That’s not how great things get created.